The Value of an Education
The Value of an Education was initially developed as a classroom lesson to help inspire and motivate my students. Many students did not care about school nor see the relevance of school to their daily lives or future. Even those who did excel did so out of habit and obligation rather than their own insight to the value of an education. Through my own experience growing up as an at-risk student, I could relate to their indifference to education. It wasn't until college when I became a very successful student that I realized the value of an education.
The Value of an Education is a life-changing presentation focused on teaching high school students what kind of value an education really has and how it can impact not only their lives, but the lives of others. Using music, video and interactive student participation, the presentation is entertaining, informative and motivating. While easy to follow and understand, it is highly effective. In fact, its power lies in its truth and simplicity. All students can benefit from attending, whether they are “at-risk”, or honor students. They gain greater insight to the importance of their decisions now and in the future, motivating them to use their critical thinking and problem solving skills to be the very best they can be. Students that are successful in school are more likely to make better decisions in other areas of their life such as bullying, drugs and alcohol, drinking and driving, and even suicide.
Overall, the presentation makes such a compelling rationale for the value of an education that by the end, most students make a commitment to value their education differently than they had just a short time before. They leave with new tools, looking forward to having greater achievements in their future, whether it is earning a college degree, learning a skilled trade or pursuing a big dream. It is truly an awesome sight to look out and see the students stand up and commit to value their education.
What makes Value of an Education different from other presentations?
There are many outstanding speakers who come to schools and speak about a variety of topics such as bullying, drugs and alcohol, drinking and driving, suicide prevention, decision making, attitude, self-esteem, and peer pressure. While these are all great topics and are of importance to today's youth, I believe what students also need to hear about is the value of an education. Too many students are dropping out of school and many more are under performing in school; not even coming close to achieving their potential with their attendance, behavior, grades, and state testing. With a greater understanding of the value of an education students will make positive choices which will create better students, better schools, and better communities for generations to come.